“ Truly I say to you to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to
me” These will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matt 25:45-46




Who we are, what we do

Metro Baptist Center expresses the love of Jesus Christ by meeting the total needs of the person:


Physical – as we provide emergency food and clothing assistance to anyone in need.

Emotional -through loving Christian caregiving

Spiritual – as each person served is offered prayer and the Word of God.


We also provide ongoing support through Bible studies and a 12-step program. It is our prayer that you will come to personally know the Lord Jesus Christ and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Our ministry serves individuals in Indianapolis and Marion County in the following ways:


Food & Clothing Pantry:  10 - 1:30 PM  (photo ID plus either a rent receipt or utility bill required) 


Christian Recovery: Tues 6 - 8  12 Step Program emphasizing Jesus Christ as higher power


Men’s Bible Study:  Thurs. 6 - 7:30  

Sunday School:  9:00 AM   Worship 10:15